Alternate Facts

*Alternate Facts What do most people believe concerning climate change ? Mark me down as a northern Michigan man who has reservations about this so-called climate change. The climate has always been changing, I say. It’s a lot different now than when I grew up. For example, if you wanna talk about cold winters, when I was a boy it weren’t nothin’ special when the snow went up past my knees. Now, iffen we happen to get a foot of snow someone yells climate change and the politicians hurry to spend my money on sumpin’ else we don’t need. I’d like to hear one of these climate change fellars ‘splain’ to me how we had ice ages in the past and that wasn’t climate change then, but now a little warmer weather makes it climate change and the sky is falling in according to the climate experts. Besides, the Lord Almighty controls our weather and I’m sure he wouldn’t let all the bad things happen that the climate change folks are now talkin’ about. Oh, well, the flood ...