Science-based Arguments Supporting Climate Change

Roscommon/Crawford Chapter Editor’s Note -We at the Roscommon/Crawford Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby were moved to action by the recent comments from Harold E Goodbottom, Jr. (see last blog). At a meeting of our Chapter editorial staff, we determined that we needed to answer Mr. Goodbottom’s various arguments. Ours was a contentious meeting; several of our members asked for the privilege of refuting Mr. Goodbottom’s ill-informed opinions by preparing an answer that provided science-based information. In the end, we decided on the only fair choice of choosing an author. We pulled straws. Since Mr. Goodbottom demanded the right to sign his name, we are breaking our normal practice of anonymity to advise that our chapter member Rod (Fish) Torn won the straw pulling contest and is the author of this report. (Fish is shown below as he pummels our previous author) Science-based Arguments Supporting Climate Change ...