My First Climate Change Blog Rocommon/Crawford Chapter of Ccl leaders decided at a recent meeting to give our crack editorial team a brief respite from their blogging work by asking another member of our group to prepare a blog. Here is the first effort from Wylie, a relatively new member. Hello. My name is Wylie and this is my first blog. Whoee! I am a little new at this so I’ll start at the beginning. I attended my first Chapter meeting recently because of my buddy Earl. He had attended one meeting before me and he urged me to come to the next meeting with him. I asked him why. “Its because they give you free pizza just for attending,” he said with a big grin. That was good enough for me so Earl and I attended the next meeting at the Gahagan Center in Roscommon. The meeting was interesting. Our leaders talked about a whole bunch of stuff I didn’t know, mostly about problems being brought on by pollution of our atmosphere. I didn’t say much as I was mostly waiti...